Centro's Professional Consulting Services

Centro is not only the leading resource for East Tennessee’s Latino community, but also for East Tennessee regarding the Latino Community. To that end, we are now offering a selection of consultation services to the wider Knoxville community.
Focus Groups

Centro understands that reaching the Latino community in their native languages helps ensure that their voices are heard at your organization. Our CITI trained professional moderator conducts focus groups entirely in Spanish. Following the focus group, your team will be provided with a fully translated transcription.

Cultural Competency Training

Our Latinidad 101 training walks you and your team through the questions that we are asked most often as Latinos. We answer these questions in a safe setting and offer tips and tricks for making your workspace or group more inclusive to the Latino community. We also provide resources for further learning, and can even develop organization-specific training on the topics you most want to cover!


Part of our approach to ensuring a more equitable East Tennessee is by providing high-quality translation services. Our team of certified translators will quickly and accurately translate your documents. From a short quote to the text of your employee handbook, we can help make sure that you reach every Latino or Latina with accurate, appropriate language.


How can your business be more marketable to the Latino community? Our team has worked with a variety of businesses to review company culture, specific programming, and Human Resources policies and procedures to create more inclusive work environments. Let Centro help you reach the Latino community with confidence!

For pricing or more information, please contact Paola, Sr. Development Coordinator at p.medinarioja@centrohispanotn.org.