Stronger, more empowered families make stronger, more resilient communities.
Centro’s afterschool programs provide literacy tutoring, homework help, and educational enrichment for children from immigrant families. The goal is to help support student success and life opportunities by supporting academic growth, building resiliency through the celebration of Latino culture, creating a safe space that fosters social and emotional development, and actively engaging caregivers in their children’s education. Currently, Centro Hispano operates afterschool programs at five sites:
- Lonsdale Elementary (1st-5th grade)
- Belle Morris Elementary (1st-5th grade)
- Norwood Elementary (1st-5th grade)
- Westview Elementary (1st-5th grade)
- TCAT-Knoxville (Ages 3-12)
For more information, please contact Lina Camacho at 965-404-2937 or

Summer Camp
Centro Hispano’s summer camp operates for four weeks each summer as a rich bilingual experience with a focus on celebrating Latino culture and reducing summer learning loss for English Language Learners. Serving rising Kindergartners through rising 9th graders, it also works to build community and a love of learning among immigrant children. Culturally relevant texts and a focus on Latino culture are complemented by hands-on activities emphasizing STEM and the creative arts. Latino High School and college students are engaged in paid internships as counselors and teachers.
For more information, please contact Lina Camacho at 965-404-2937 or

Family SupportS
Wrap-around family support services provided at Centro Hispano include parent education classes, a bilingual family literacy program for rising kindergarteners, and monthly education and recreational family field trips. Our goal is to support families in building healthy relationships through quality experiences and for caregivers to be empowered to advocate for their childrens’ education. Case management for families needing additional assistance with mental health and behavioral health challenges is also available.

Centro Hispano seeks to build the capacity of caregivers and youth to advocate for their educational futures. Our organization plays a prominent role in advocating for Latino students and families in Knox County and beyond, and because of our expertise, Centro is often represented on district or state-wide committees to address the needs of Latino students or English Language Learners. Centro is an active participant in the Tennessee Alliance for Equity in Education; the Strong Women, Strong Futures Network; and works alongside the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition.

For more information, contact Director of Youth & Family Engagement Megan Barolet-Fogarty at